Cloud-based PDM

Cloud-based PDM

Cloud-based PDM

Develop better products, and accelerate time-to-market with this agile, cloud-based PDM solution.

cloud-based pdm
cloud-based pdm
cloud-based pdm

+30 File Formats

Re-imagined for the modern web

Re-imagined for the modern web

Re-imagined for the modern web

version control
version control

Stay in control, and never ask “is this the latest version?” again

As teams expand and data volume grows, ad-hoc file management can quickly cause headaches, delays and incur serious costs.

The Cloud Drive provides you with a single source of truth for all your product data. Intuitive version control allows you to track every change and design decision – with total certainty.

Git-inspired version control

History log and time travel

Conflict resolution

free cad viewer

See the big picture, and make better decisions faster

Keeping operations, sales and marketing departments in the loop is critical, yet border-line impossible with traditional PLM tools – causing engineers to fall back to emails with annotated screenshots.

Built-in “CAD Rooms” visualise over 30 CAD formats directly in the browser, and make sharing work across departments and organisational boundaries a breeze.

30+ file CAD formats

Real-time chat

3D Annotations

project documentation

Keep all your documentation in one place

Product documentation often incorporates anything from text, pictures, videos, pdfs, schematics, and 3D models, resulting in linked, yet siloed content across multiple tools.

The flexible Documentation system allows you to document everything in one place, and embed always up-to-date content from the Cloud Drive directly.

Intuitive Editor

Rich media Embeds

Version Controlled

remote collaboration

Advance rapidly together with Cloud PDM

Traditional Change Request Management systems are powerful but often feel overly bureaucratic in fast paced, iterative development cycles.

Track tasks, manage feedback and keep everything on track, with an agile Task and Project Tracker.

Jira-inspired Tracker

Embed 3D models in Tasks

Assign labels and collaborators

no need for cad licenses

Keep expensive CAD licenses to the minimum

Still receiving design feedback or requesting engineering changes via emails with annotated screenshots?

CAD Rooms give you a real-time environment that makes collaboration around 3D files as easy as 123.

Unlimited collaborators

Magic invite links

Desktop, tablet and mobile

instant setup

Get up and running within hours, not months

Installing software and maintaining expensive on-premise servers or lengthy onboarding processes can be serious blockers and cause expensive delays.

CAD Rooms work right out of the box. All you need is a modern web-browser. No learning curve or complex workflows. It’s just simple, and fast.

Instant setup

Zero training

99.8% guaranteed up-time

Simple, powerful features

Simple, powerful features

Cloud Drive

Cloud Drive

A single source of truth for all your product data. Accessible from anywhere.

A single source of truth for all your product data. Accessible from anywhere.

Version Control

Version Control

Version Control

True version controlled. Inspired by software, re-imagined for hardware.

True version controlled. Inspired by software, re-imagined for hardware.

CAD Visualisation

CAD Visualisation

CAD Visualisation

View 30+ CAD files directly in your browser. No software or plugins required.

View 30+ CAD files directly in your browser. No software or plugins required.

CAD Collaboration

CAD Collaboration

CAD Collaboration

Inspect and review CAD models with 3D annotations and a real-time chat.

Inspect and review CAD models with 3D annotations and a real-time chat.

Documentation Systems

Documentation Systems

Documentation Systems

Text, Photos, Videos, PDFs, Schematics, 2D and 3D CAD models, all in one place.

Text, Photos, Videos, PDFs, Schematics, 2D and 3D CAD models, all in one place.

Task & Project Tracker

Task & Project Tracker

Task & Project Tracker

Agile instead of bureaucratic task and project management.

Agile instead of bureaucratic task and project management.

Permission systems

Permission systems

Permission systems

Keep your IP secure, with just the right access permissions for everyone.

Keep your IP secure, with just the right access permissions for everyone.

Desktop. Tablet. Mobile

Desktop. Tablet. Mobile

Desktop. Tablet. Mobile

Review, collaborate and stay in the know, even on the go.

Review, collaborate and stay in the know, even on the go.

Magic invite links

Magic invite links

Magic invite links

Invite and onboard new users instantly – just share a link!

Invite and onboard new users instantly – just share a link!